Saturday 16 April 2011

The Tale Of The Tiger Pig

"It looks so beautiful Artie, out there all the grass, and nettles....and the veggie forest ahhh...."

"Hmmph. Out there, people chase after you in their slippers with a broom, flapping their arms around and then you find yourself with a missing toe nail... Ohh not forgetting the slave and her team washing your toe with smelly stuf. Hmmph. No thank you Harvey. In here is safe and has oodles of veggies. Nom nom.”

"Well looks like I'm off for an adventure by myself, farewell Artie, farewell Slave! Im going to be a true pig....a wild, dangerous TIGER PIG"
And what have we found in the ‘cave’ seems to be a big fluffy butt creature..
 “I am aTiger Pig mum!! Grrr grr. My grass all mine!”

“Ohhh! Wow! Its the rare, cheese-smelling-veggie-munching Wazzle-Dog! Hello there Wazzle dog Im exploring! Have you seen the Veggie Forest of curly kale??”

“Oh yes mmm veggie forest, turn left and it’s straight ahead.”

“Ahhh haaaaa! Fear me Curly Kale! I am Tiger Pig! Here me WHEEK!”
 “I thought I’d find you here Cheese-Smelling-Veggie-Munching-Wazzle-Dog, are you helping me hunt for the carrots?”

 “Nahh ha my Naitive Tiger Pig Hut...just let me...squeeze I think i must of grown since become Tiger Pig...umm...squuuueze!”

 “Hmm being a Tiger-pig is lonely....Come on Artie, come explore with me and Wazzle-Dog! We’ve found the biggest veggie forest ever!”
“Umm okay...what can i be though if your Tiger Pig?”
“Umm can be.....Moose Pig!!

"Moose pig?? Why do I get the duff name?! I Pig!"

 “You get Moose Pig because you look like a moose Artie.”
“I do not look anything like a moo.....HEYYYY! who put those antlers on me?? Muuummm!”
 “Okay...okay, sorry Artie....lets go then courageous Bear-Pig!”
So off went the two wild pigs along with their new found friend to explore the wonders of the garden....

1 comment:

  1. I love the adventures you lovely bunch get up to, its nice to meet you.

